Q: Who are the Gananda Bandits Soccer Club?
The Bandits are a travel soccer club in the Rochester District Youth Soccer League. Teams are comprised of boys and girls from ages 8 through 19 years old, and a Developmental Soccer program is available for children from grades K through 6 in conjunction with Walworth Rec. We function through the management of a board of directors which consists of a President, Vice President, secretary, treasurer, and other board members, as well as numerous supporting members. We have a complete coaching staff as well as boys and girls team coordinators. Our board meetings are both public and accessible.
Our members are parents and coaches with these common goals:
1. To teach and advance the game of soccer by developing, promoting, and administering the game of soccer among youth boys and girls up to and including the age of 19.
2. To foster and encourage sportsmanship and leadership by all players and persons involved in the game of soccer.
3. To support the maximum participation of youth in our communities in the sport of soccer whether recreational, travel, premier or scholastic.
Q: When is the travel soccer season?
Teams begin indoor practice in November, usually once per week. Teams sometimes also play in winter tournaments or leagues. Indoor practices are usually held at The Game Sports Complex in Fairport or in the Gananda Schools. As the weather allows, teams typically begin outdoor practices in April to early May. Games typically begin by mid May and are completed typically by August 1st. While this schedule takes up most of the year, we encourage our athletes to be well-rounded and to participate in other sports as well. Our coaches are flexible to allow for these intertwining schedules. Many times, coaches will try to work around other sports practice and game days. While registering your child early is the best idea to ensure their placement, the opportunity to sign up with a team does not necessarily end after try outs. Allowing children to sign up late or try out a couple practices before making a final decision is acceptable. Communication is key!
Q: How far do the teams travel?
The Gananda Bandits Soccer Club is a member of the Rochester District Youth Soccer League, or RDYSL. The other teams in this league are throughout the Rochester and surrounding areas.
Q: What team will my child be placed on?
RDYSL follows the 2024 age matrix passed down by FIFA and the New York State West Soccer association. Teams are formed based on each child's birthday, taking into consideration the ages of all who register. We will not know what team your child we be placed on until ALL players have registered.
Q: What is the financial cost associated with signing up?
When determining tuition each season our Board takes into consideration many things including turf rental, uniforms, scholarships, and registration fees. We have many fundraisers throughout the year to help offset these costs. Our biggest fundraiser is our annual Gananda Bandits indoor tournament which brings in a substantial amount of revenue. It builds amazing connections throughout Rochester as well as our own community by utilizing local vendors. Once all these things are taken into consideration our dues are determined for each season. For the 2024/2025 season the cost is $425 per player. You will find there is no soccer club anywhere in our area that comes near our competitive rate. Once three children in your family are signed up there is a discount available.
Q: Are there additional costs or fees?
The only additional fees would be if a team entered an outside tournament. While players enjoy the weekend bonding and playing experience, these tournaments are not mandatory although most coaches with enter 2-3 per year depending on interest from the team. If enough players can participate the cost of the tournament with be divided evenly between them.
Q: Are there any parent time commitments?
While we always encourage parental involvement through coaching, as a board member, in spectating, or through various other volunteer opportunities, the only commitments we require are for fundraising opportunities for the organization. Each family is expected to participate in two (2) fundraisers. One of them is for a family member to select a three-hour volunteer time slot at our annual tournament. Usually this is a parent, however grandparent, aunt/uncle or even high school student may fill in.
Q: Are there any other family events?
Yes! Bandits Soccer Club participates in many community activities throughout the year. Some of these activities include The Pumpkin Walk in autumn, the Light the Night festival in December, our annual Kick-Off Family Picnic in the Spring, and we participate in the Lions Club Festival in the Park and Parade in July.